
Olive Leaf for Cancer

Buy olive leaf powder
Freshly dried olive leaf has been shown to eliminate cancer tumors in relatively short periods of time.  Some tumors in mice were eliminated with the oil of the olive tree also in as little as 12 days.  There have been many stories and studies done on the olive leaf extract and all were found to be successful except with the combination of chemotherapy treatment.

A man from Athens, Greece cured his cancer using fresh olive leaves and water.  He used approximately 1 1/4 cups of fresh leaves and 750 mg of water and blended the lot thoroughly.  He was recommended to do this by his doctor who showed good luck with this and she advised there was no interaction with other medicines or therapies.  The remedy must be kept in the refrigerator all day and drank in 3 sessions on an empty stomach. Newer leaves are better than the older ones as they contain more nutrients.

1 1/4 cups of fresh leaves equals approximately 1/3 cup of dried leaves.  Each capsule contains 1/4 teaspoon, so in essence he was taking 80 capsules a day of olive leaf.  It took him 1 year to cure his cancer.  This was reported 6 years ago. The man who cured his cancer suggested following this routine for life.  

Side Effects and Drug Interactions with Medicines

Olive leaf does have side effects and may interact with prescription medicines and increase their reactions.  Side effects of olive leaf are:
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Muscle and Joint pain
  • Feverish
  • Sore throat
  • Vaginal irritations and/or yeast infections

These side effects usually last temporarily and associated with a herxheimer's reaction.  Prescription interactions are definite though.  Olive leaf lowers high blood pressure; do not take olive leaf if you are on blood pressure medicine.  Do not take olive leaf if you are pregnant and do not take olive leaf if you are on diabetic medicine or medicines that inhibit blood clotting and platelet aggregation, such as warfarin (Coumadin®), heparin, clopidogrel (Plavix®), pentoxifylline (Trental®). It is better to contact your doctor before beginning any herb when you are taking prescription medicine. 

Olive Leaf Dosage for Cancer

There are many opinions on the proper dosage of olive leaf. I have taken olive leaf for years and have never had any die-off effect, but sometimes the herxheimer reaction will be due to a large amount of toxins and microbes being eliminated at once.  To eliminate and/or reduce the side effects increase fluids.  If the reaction is still strong stop the dosage until the side effects leave. You may want to start out slow and increase gradually over time.

My prescription for the flu and colds is 21 capsules of dry leaf powder all at once and then 9 capsules per day. This remedy will eliminate the flu or cold in 4 hours or less (usually).  This is also the prescription that the Barefoot states on his supplements too. Other doctors suggest 500mg to 1000mg of olive leaf extract given 3 times a day.  Each capsule has approximately  360mg of olive leaf extract.  

The man above who cured his lung cancer used 80 capsules of olive leaf though.  In my opinion 9 capsules of the dried leaf has been found to have the best results.  Extracts are made with 8 parts water.  Keep in mind that dried olive leaf is less potent than the full extract.  So my remedy is for the dried leaf only.  You can read a very good article on how to prepare a dried plant extract: Making Extracts

Recent Studies on Cancer and Olive Leaf

Recent studies have shown that taking olive leaf extract has been seen satisfactorily with cancer elimination, but one study warned that using olive leaf in combination with chemotherapy was not adviseable.

Read:  Multiple antimelanoma potential of dry olive leaf extract.
Olive leaf has been shown to eliminate cancer tumors in skin, colon, lung, breast and leukemia.  It has been shown to be a broad spectrum cancer fighter.  

 "Olive leaf extract improves your white blood cells' ability to kill cancer cells and carry them away to be eliminated from your body," according to Russel L. Blaylock, M.D., in his book, "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients." He further stated, that the cancer patient should concentrate more on changing his diet rather than increasing supplementation.

Where Can You Purchase Organic Olive Leaf Powder?

Amazon  or Starwest Botanicals

Lung Cancer Awareness Month - How to Cure Lung Cancer with Black Cumin Oil

November has been declared Lung Cancer Awareness Month.  It is a month to learn more in how to prevent and cure lung cancer for you and your loved ones.  There are 208,493 people who were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2008 and 158,952 died.  

That means in 2008 76% of the people diagnosed died.  Black cumin (Nigella sativa) has an 80% to 90% success rate and has been shown to cure many cancers, such as lung, pancreatic, colon, prostate and breast cancers.

Lung Cancer is a deadly disease with uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung.  Lung cancer is a cancer that starts with a tumor in the lungs and in 90% of cases, it is found to have been caused by tobacco. The symptoms of lung cancer may be minimal or none at all. Up to 25% of people with lung cancer will have no symptoms at all and the remaining will have symptoms having to do with chest pain and shortness of breath.  

There is a low rate of cure concering lung cancer with only a 15% success rate over 5 years.  However black cumin (Nigella sativa) has been shown to treat and or cure lung cancer, mesothelioma cancers and all other types of lung related diseases.

New information released shows that 60% of lung cancer diagnosis are from people who have never smoked before.  3400 people die every year who never smoked before which may account for the rise in mesothelioma cancer rates.

Mesothelioma is a rare aggressive cancer and can occur when the cells of the lungs begin to line the sacs of the chest "pleura" or abdominal "peritoneum." The most common form of mesothelioma cancer is called "Pleural" which manifests in the chest area.  

The normal cancer treatment for lung cancer is chemotherapy which has been shown to work on 2.1% of the cases over 5 years.  So why would anyone choose chemotherapy over Black Cumin? Fear, plain and simple.  Doctors pressure the family and the patient to go with what puts bucks in their pocket.  They get nothing when you use a natural protocol.  

Diagnosing lung cancer

Lung cancer is a growth in the lungs, commonly called a tumor. These growths or tumors may cause obstruction in the lungs and clog up the lungs to the point where they can no longer function properly. Cancers may not be discovered early due to the fact of the size of the lungs and tumors may grow for years undetected.
Today's modern medicine has been able to treat and cure stage I and stage II cancers, but if the cancer has grown or spread to other organs, treatment becomes more difficult. Cancer of one lung may be treated with removal of the lung. Cancer in both lungs may be extremely difficult to cure, but not impossible.

Many times, the only way to discover lung cancer in the early stages is when an X-ray or C-scan is done and an abnormality is detected. Lung symptoms and cancer signs are not always apparent as the typical sign of lung cancer which is a persistent cough could be seen as the same sign for bronchitis.

What is Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) 

Black cumin has been used for more than 2000 years and is a Prophetic Medicine.   Prophet Mohammad stated, ”There is healing in Black Seed for all diseases except death.”  Black cumin is able to treat lung cancer by stimulating the production of defensive cells and thereby destroying tumor cells. Also, black cumin protects healthy cells from damage.

There are many other benefits of black cumin, such as:

  • Anti-hypertensive
  • Anti-Tumor
  • Anti-bacteria
  • Anti-histamine
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Promotes lactation
  • Anti-parasitic
One of the best benefits of black cumin is the ability to increase immunity. If you feel tired and lethargic and want to find a quick fix, then try this very simple recipe. Take 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil and mix it with the juice of one orange. Drink this mixture 1/2 hour before breakfast and you will see your energy level return.

Lung Cancer

Swamy and Huat (2003) mentioned the antitumor activity of α-hederin from N. sativa against LL/2 (Lewis Lung carcinoma) in BDF1 mice. Also, Mabrouk et al. (2002) showed that supplementation of diet with honey and N. sativa has a protective effect against MNU (methylnitrosourea)-induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response and carcinogenesis in lung, skin and colon. 

Nigella Sativa Proven to Cure Lung Cancer in up to 90% of the Cases

TQ (Thymoquinone) was able to inhibit cell proliferation, reduce cell viability and induce apoptosis. TQ at 100 microM and CDDP (Cisplastin - Chemotherapy) at 5 muM inhibited cell proliferation by nearly 90% and the combination showed synergism. TQ was able to induced apoptosis in both NCI-H460 and NCI-H146 cell lines. TQ also appears to affect the extracellular environment inhibiting invasion and reducing the production of two cytokines ENA-78 and Gro-alpha which are involved in neo-angiogenesis. 

Using a mouse xenograft model we were able to demonstrate that combination of TQ and CDDP was well tolerated and significantly reduced tumor volume and tumor weight without additional toxicity to the mice. In the combination arms (TQ5 mg/kg/Cis 2.5 mg/kg) tumor volume was reduced by 59% and (TQ20 mg/kg/Cis 2.5 mg/kg) by 79% as compared to control which is consistent with in vitro data. TQ down regulated NF-kappaB expression which may explain its various cellular activities and this activity may prove useful in overcoming CDDP resistance from over expression of NF-kappaB.

Conclusion: Thus TQ and CDDP appear to be an active therapeutic combination in lung cancer. Read more:

Although I never recommend chemotherapy, this government study showed the combination effect.  It is my opinion that Nigella sativa alone is the best protocol.

Remedy for Curing Lung Cancer

My cancer protocol has not changed whether you have lung or pancreatic cancer.  It works well with all cancers if followed precisely.  However, it must be stated that along with the Nigella sativa and honey protocol, you must follow a cancer diet and exercise program.  

You cannot eat as you like and expect to remain cancer free.  Secondary cancers will attack with a vengeance.  Black cumin should be taken daily even after the cancer is gone for a prevention program.  According to "Prevention is Better than the Cure."  No truer words were ever spoken.

My Protocol for Cancer:

   Testimony after testimony has proven its effect.

Man Cures Cancer on the Isle of Ikaria Naturally

Andrea Frazzetta/LUZphoto for The New York Times
 I love reading natural cancer cure stories. The story of Stamatis Moraitis caught my eye due to the fact it did not make much sense.  I had to search for the real reason for his cure.  

There was no chemotherapy, thank God, no surgery, no supplements and no expensive protocol.  Moraitis simply had a will to live, but most importantly he was ready to accept his destiny and chose to go back to his homeland of Ikaria to spend out his last days.  Surprisingly to this day Moraitis is still alive since 1976 when he was diagnosed with fatal lung cancer.

Stamatis Moratis' Story

In 1943 Stamatis Moratis was a Greek war veteran from the Isle of Ikaria and came to the US to treat his badly mangled arm which happened during combat.  He traveled from Turkey where he escaped and survived a gunshot wound and ended up on the Queen Elizabeth where he served.  

He eventually crossed the Atlantic and end up in Jefferson, New York.  In Jefferson he survived doing manual labor and later on he would move to Boynton, Florida.  He would marry a Greek-American woman and have three children.  He owned a 3 bedroom home and even a 1951 Chevrolet.  He appeared to have a very good life.

Then in 1976 he had difficulty climbing the stairs and he had to give up smoking and he went to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed him with lung cancer and gave him 9 months to live.  Back in 1976 healthy alternative diets were almost non-existent and the only know treatment was chemotherapy and radiology.  Moratis was in his mid 60's then.

He considered staying in the US to be treated for his cancer so he could be near his children, but instead chose to go back to his country of Ikaria and die in peace under the shade of the oak trees overlooking the Aegean Sea.  

One of the reasons for his decision was the cost of a funeral.  In the US the cost of a funeral was in the thousands of dollars but in Ikaria he could be buried for $200 and he could give the rest of the money to his family.

Both Moratis and his wife, Elpiniki moved in with his parents and lived in a tiny house.  There he spent most of his day in bed.  Once his friends discovered he had returned to Ikaria they started coming over to his house and talking to him for hours and drinking wine together.

Ikaria is known for longevity and healthy living. Their diets consists of legumes, wine, plenty of greens and olive oil.  Most say that the key to their longevity is the socializing and companionship there.  

Moratis started feeling better and decided to plant a garden. He knew he would never be alive to reap the benefits, but he wanted to enjoy it for awhile.  Six months later he was still alive and both he and his wife enjoyed the greens and easy living from his garden.

His health continued to improve and he added a few rooms to his parents house so his children could visit and he expanded the orchards so that he was producing 400 gallons of wine a year.   Moratis is now 97 years old, has no cancer and still enjoys his life.

How did Moratis Cure His Cancer?

Is it that simple? According to Moratis his cure was that he went home to Ikaria to live.  His diet was simple enough, but was it really what he ate or what he did not eat? Their diets are void of sugar and white flour and red meats.

They drink a "mountain tea."  This mountain tea consists of wild marjoram, sage, type of mint tea (fiskouni), rosemary and a drink made form dandelion leaves with a bit of lemon.  People of Ikaria think to theirself that they have this wonderful beverage, but really they are drinking medicine, stated a local doctor.  Another

tradition in Ikaria was to start their day with a spoonful of honey.

An Example of The Isle of Ikaria Diet

Their diet was also typical: a breakfast of goat’s milk, wine, sage tea or coffee, honey and bread. Lunch was almost always beans (lentils, garbanzos), potatoes, greens (fennel, dandelion or a spinach like green called horta) and whatever seasonal vegetables their garden produced; dinner was bread and goat’s milk. At Christmas and Easter, they would slaughter the family pig and enjoy small portions of larded pork for the next several months.

Dr. Antonia Trichopoulou of the University of Athens, an expert on the Mediterranean diet helped administer surveys, often sitting in village kitchens to ask subjects to reconstruct their childhood eating habits. 

She noted that the Ikarians’ diet, like that of others around the Mediterranean, was rich in olive oil and vegetables, low in dairy (except goat’s milk) and meat products, and also included moderate amounts of alcohol. It emphasized homegrown potatoes, beans (garbanzo, black-eyed peas and lentils), wild greens and locally produced goat milk and honey. 

The people on the Isle of Ikaria are simple people. They don't care about the time and sleep in.  They take a few naps in the afternoon and money is not a big issue.  They keep enough for wine and a bit of food and what ever is left, they give to the poor.  The average age of people when they die is 90 to 100. 

The people of Ikaria have lower incidence of disease, cancer, heart disease and more.  Is it the fact that they drink wine in moderation or is it more to do with the social atmosphere combined with a plant base diet?  Either way Moratis and his wife live a happy life on the Isle where people forgot to die, Ikaria.

To Read More of the Story by Dan Buettner in Detailed: The New York Times

Andreas Moritz - Descended into the LIght - Cause of Death Part II

Andreas Moritz died on October 21st and although just a few days ago, it seems like forever.  In part I about his death, I discussed the mystery involved with his family or staff refusing to release the actual cause of death.  As some websites promised that the true cause of death would be released after the funeral, I waited patiently.  Now the website has released his true cause of death stating he descended into the light.

Here is a quote from their website: "It is natural for all of us to wonder about the cause of a dear one’s passing. As we know, the soul will find an effective way – an ‘exit strategy,’ if you will – to accomplish its loving, compassionate journey home to the higher realms once our Mission and soul’s work is complete on Earth. Many of us have read about spiritual teachers, including well-known yogis and Masters, who have transcended into the Light in any number of ways.  When it is ‘our time,’ the soul will find an outlet to accomplish this transition purpose."

At first I just laughed and shook my head in utter disgust about such a flimsy reporting of his death.  As thousands sat here hoping to be told what was the real cause. The horror of him dying so young with the knowledge of kings frightened many.  He supposedly had death threats against him, but more and more it appeared that Andreas was sick.  In his last few videos he is shown less vibrant than before and many commented that he looked tired and weak.  So if he died of cancer from which he spoke so much, did his protocol not work?

As someone told me today, hiding and deceit was not part of his makeup.  Andreas was honest, forthright and full of integrity.  Would Andreas really want to be part of a secret deception?

Read: Cancer is not a Disease - It is a Survival Mechanism

Quote from Andreas Moritz, "It will perhaps astound you to learn that if you are afflicted with any of the root causes of cancer (which constitute the real illness) you would most likely die quickly unless your body actually grew cancer cells. In this work, I propose the understanding that cancer is a healing process that we ought to support, not suppress or fight. I provide evidence that this rather unorthodox approach to healing cancer is far more effective than the methods that involve destroying it.

I further claim that cancer - the body's final healing mechanism - will only kick in after the body's main waste removal and detoxification mechanisms have already been rendered inefficient."

I thoroughly believe what he believes that cancer occurs in most cases from lifestyle and abuse and it is the body's way of saying, "Wake-Up you fool, you are killing me."  What I don't concur on is his belief that baking soda and molasses is the cure.

His Recipe for Cancer

Here is what he believed would cure cancer: Place 5 parts maple syrup (ideally B-grade), with 1 part of baking soda (with no added aluminum!). Place the mixture in a sauce pan and heat it on a medium flame for 5 minutes, while stirring briskly. The mixture will greatly spread out and become foamy. Store in a cool place and take one teaspoon twice daily. For very serious conditions, take one teaspoon three times a day. Take uninterruptedly for at least 7-8 days, which is often sufficient to collapse tumors of the size one to two inches.

I am vastly against this protocol and believe that Nigella sativa can and will cure cancer quicker, with higher results and has been well documented by many research projects done - over 250.

So if he had cancer and used this protocol, is this the cause of his death?

Andreas Moritz Belief in Reincarnation

To further understand his cause of death you must understand that he believed in reincarnation, descending into the light, the physical body is merely that.  If you believe that descending to the next life is just a step in this realm, would dying be that horrible?  He talked on You tube about his belief in reincarnation and he was convinced about this and claims he could remember things that happened in his prior life.

An energy healer was his claim and his portraits he drew emphasized the light of the next life. If any of you have ever dealt in near death experiences then you will note that death comes with a light greeting you.  Angels escort you to see God and you are welcomed. The leaving of this world can be pleasant with peace and harmony or it can be worse than any scene in the movie "Ghost" with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze who also died of cancer.

Was Andreas Religious or was Energy Light his Religion?

If you believe in God then you will believe that at death you either go to heaven or hell. You believe that being good in this life is required to get to heaven. But some energy healers believe that death is only part of the journey and you have successfully finished the need of this body and merely are going on to the next life.  Here is a quote from Andreas' website:

“It is becoming increasingly clear to me that my true Self has no limitations; it has no permanent identity that moves in linear sequence from birth to death. Time for me is eternity. I am like the clear sky through which blow all the winds of creation. Even when the winds stop blowing, I will still be there.”

This shows his belief in the transformation process, but there is no mention of religion or God.

Here is the first notice on his website:

"It is with a mixture of profound human sadness and deep spiritual gratitude that we announce to the world that Andreas Moritz has returned to the Realms of Light." 

So let's look at this deeper.  If his followers on his website truly felt that he only left his human form of a body and went to the light, then would they really understand death and its rewards and failures?  Would announcing his cause of death take away from the gratitude they felt that he finally was able to accomplish his true dream?

Let's talk more.  First to understand being a martyr is not to cleave to this world, but to be in the next close to Allah.  So leaving this world is a pleasure.  Did Andreas feel the same way?  Did he want to go to the light and experience everything he felt and wrote about in this life?  His paintings, his writings all indicated his belief in what was after death.


As a believer in God or Allah, I don't believe that non-believers are happy going to the light. I believe there is an awful crash of reality.  I don't know if Andreas was a believer or practiced religion and that is not for me to judge.  I can only tell you that only believers are happy at death.

I do know that after further thought on the websites messages and a vision of Andreas I feel there is more to what they have revealed then I first thought.  When a martyr dies there is great happiness and joy at the great reward that the martyr has achieved and for his family.  The martyr's 70 closest family members get to go to heaven with him.  So if Andreas' family felt he was a martyr like person (caused by dying of a disease that was incurable), then him dying and going to the light would be a celebration of joy as they stated, "deep spiritual gratitude that we announce to the world that Andreas Moritz has returned to the Realms of Light."

So for believers in eternity, light, reincarnation and more the returning of the soul to the eternal light is a matter of joy, but they do miss him and they do yearn for the days when he was here.


In the end we will never know the true cause of his death. We waited till after the funeral for an official release of the cause of death only to be told that he had finished his last 4 books and those would be released before the end of the year.  Did Moritz die from his own protocols or did the angel of death just knock on his door and take him?  

Did Moritz descend to the light as he believed or did he go to something a lot worse?  It is not up to me to judge or guess.  I can only tell you this, that I never heard one person say anything bad about the man.  There were many who did not like his protocols or follow his beliefs, but everyone loved the man.  Praise came from everyone who commented on his gentleness, his manners and his love of humanity.

So did Andreas Moritz meet with a conspiracy end or did he die of natural causes? Only God knows for sure..

Plain and Simple -- Chemo is a Killer

I wish I knew what I do now back when my dad and sister were suffering with cancer.  Dad died some 20 years ago and my dear sister Patty died in 1997.  Both of them died from brain cancer and both suffered horribly. They are just a few of the many in my family who have died of cancer as it runs in our family.  Each one of them relied on doctors and each one of them died from chemotherapy.

I remember dad's faith in God was so strong and he would pray and pray for help.  He gave up drinking, started going to church and was a changed man.  As the years went by dad would get weaker and weaker. He was a vegetable.  He could not do anything he use to do and spent his life working puzzles in the living room.  He got to where he could not walk, could not eat anything without vomiting his guts out and he cried.

Dad was never an emotional person, but dad cried. We finally
asked the doctors why and it appeared that it was the side
effect of the chemotherapy they had him on.  Dad started with 4 bumps on his head and he wanted them removed fearing cancer.  His doctor was a butcher and because they could not deaden the area, dad gave them permission to cut him open with no anesthesia.  He later told us it was the worse nightmare of his life.

Cutting of those bumps led to cancer of the lymph nodes which led to lung cancer and eventually spread to the brain.  Daddy fought so hard, but in the end after so numerous operations and treatments, dad was declared cancer free. He just needed one more MRI.  The MRI would reveal that dad's cancer had come back with a fury and he had cancer on both of his lungs.  Had the cancer been on one lung we could have operated, but both lungs had spots.

So my step-mother calls and asked what she should do.  I told her bring him home and let him die in his home.  30 days to the date on May 10th daddy died.  He drowned in his bodily fluids.  We now know today that his death was needless and he could have been saved.

You have a choice.  You do not have to die needlessly, like dad and Patty did.  Read some very important article on the subject.

Chemo 'benefits' wildly over-hyped by oncologists; cancer patients actually believe they will be cured by poison

(NaturalNews) Mainstream medical researchers are finally starting to admit that toxic chemotherapy drugs do absolutely nothing to cure cancer, and often cause cancer patients to die much more quickly than they otherwise would apart from getting the so-called "treatment." Dr. Deborah Schrag from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and her colleagues let the cat out of the bag in a recent study they published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), which revealed that most cancer patients have no idea that their disease will never be cured as a result of chemotherapy.

According to the study's findings, as many as 69 percent of terminally ill lung cancer patients and 81 percent of terminally ill colorectal patients have no idea that chemotherapy drugs are fully incapable of curing their cancers. Though they are said to potentially help some cancer patients live slightly longer lives, chemotherapy drugs admittedly do not stop the growth or spread of cancer cells and tumors, which means many of the patients who opt for the treatment are not being told the full truth about its major shortcomings.

"There is a lot of harm in not having patients understand the finality of the disease," said Dr. Hossein Borghaei, an oncologist from the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, who was not involved in the research. "[Chemotherapy drugs] are very powerful, they have a lot of side effects, the chemotherapy is going to harm you more than it helps you, and it can actually shorten your life. All of this should be taken into account."

Dr. Borghaei's statements are chilling because they affirm what we have been saying here at Natural News for quite some time -- that chemotherapy is nothing but a sham "treatment" that puts cancer patients through needless pain and suffering while making the cancer industry rich. And perhaps the most disturbing part about this now-normalized form of medical quackery is that oncologists typically fail to disclose to their patients the fact that chemotherapy does not even cure cancer, which gives them false hope.

Chemotherapy causes more cancer, decreases patients' chances of survival

Another important tidbit of reality that is often left out of the discussions between oncologists and their patients is that patients who somehow survive their cancers following chemotherapy poisoning do so in spite of the treatment, and not because of it. Poisoning the body with chemicals via chemotherapy only ends up destroying the immune system and causing the bodily organs to shut down, which obviously shortens lifespan rather than lengthening it.

Relax it is Just Chemo!
(NaturalNews) Relax! It's just chemo... In an enlightening study in Molecular Cancer Research, researchers found that anyone who gets stressed out before chemotherapy (and who wouldn't...) can awaken the stress protein HSF-1, or heat shock factor-1. This one "side effect" of chemotherapy alone makes the treatment worse than the disease by allowing cancer cells to repair themselves in spite of the poisonous chemo. Even when used "correctly", toxic chemotherapy drugs can kill you, destroy your digestive tract, immune system, vascular system, and cause other cancers later on with the impaired immune system and genetic damage.
Most chemotherapeutic drugs are cytotoxic and work by impairing mitosis (cell division), and targeting fast-dividing cells for destruction. Chemotherapy is supposed to kill fast-growing cancer cells but it also targets the body's white blood cells that also grow quickly. 

This destruction also targets the rapidly growing healthy cells in your hair, digestive system, and bone marrow (where blood cells are produced). Unfortunately, in older tumors and in the center of solid tumors, cell division has already ceased, making them insensitive to chemotherapy even if the chemotherapeutic agent does somehow reach the core of the tumor.

Surviving chemotherapy is not about quality of life

Each year, more than 1 million cancer patients receive outpatient chemotherapy, radiation, or both. On the US National Library of Medicine website (PubMed), - is the news of a study estimating the overall contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year "survival" in adults in the US at a shameful 2.1%. Top this off with 201 side effects listed on the Chemocare website alone. The American Chinese Medicine Association says that "most cancer patients die of chemotherapy." How does this factor into the medical dictum "First Do No Harm"? It is actually misleading to promote chemotherapy for cancer treatment because it permanently damages the body and immune system and causes other cancers to spring up later.

Chemotherapy Backfires - causes healthy cells to feed growth of cancer tumors

(NaturalNews) Ever since chemotherapy was introduced into the practice of western medicine, doctors and oncologists have been trying to answer this nagging question: Why does chemotherapy seem to work at first, but then cancer tumors cells grow back even more aggressively while the body becomes resistant to chemotherapy?

It turns out that chemotherapy damages healthy cells, causing them to secrete a protein that accelerates the growth of cancer tumors. (

This protein, dubbed "WNT16B," is taken up by nearby cancer cells, causing them to "grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy," said Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. He's the co-author of the study that documented this phenomenon, published in Nature Medicine.

This protein, it turns out, explains why cancer tumors grow more aggressively following chemotherapy treatments. In essence, chemotherapy turns healthy cells into WNT16B factories which churn out this "activator" chemical that accelerates cancer tumor growth.

The findings of the study were confirmed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer tumors. This discovery that chemotherapy backfires by accelerating cancer tumor growth is being characterized as "completely unexpected" by scientists.

The chemotherapy fraud exposed

As NaturalNews has explained over the last decade, chemotherapy is medical fraud. Rather than boosting the immune response of patients, it harms the immune system, causing tumors to grow back. This latest researching further confirms what we've known for years in the holistic health community: That chemotherapy is, flatly stated, poison. It's not "treatment," it's not medicine, and it's not prevention or a cure. It's poison with virtually no medicinal value except in perhaps one to two percent of cancer cases.

Why chemotherapy doesn't work - Cancer tumors confirmed to have stem cells that regenerate tumors

 (NaturalNews) Three recent studies published in the journals Nature and Science shed new light on why chemotherapy, a common conventional treatment for cancer, is typically a complete failure at permanently eradicating cancer. Based on numerous assessments of how cancer cells multiply and spread, researchers from numerous countries have confirmed that cancer tumors generate their own stem cells, which in turn feed the re-growth of new tumors after earlier ones have been eliminated.

In one of the studies published in the journal Nature, researcher Luis Parada from the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and his colleagues decided to investigate how new tumors are able to re-grow after previous ones have been wiped out with chemotherapy. To do this, Parada and his team identified and genetically labeled cancer cells in brain tumors of mice before proceeding to treat the tumors with conventional chemotherapy.

What they discovered was that, although chemotherapy appeared in many cases to successfully kill tumor cells and temporarily stop the growth and spread of cancer, the treatment ultimately failed to prevent new tumors from forming. And the culprit, it turns out, was cancer stem cells that persisted long after chemotherapy, which quietly prompted the re-growth of new tumors later down the road.

A second study published in Nature found similar results using skin tumors, while a third published in the journal Science confirmed both of the other studies in research involving intestinal polyps. It appears as though, all across the board, cancer tumors possess an inherent ability to produce their own stem cells, which can circulate throughout the body and develop into tumors. And traditional cancer treatments do nothing to address them.

Pharmacists give themselves cancer from dispensing toxic chemotherapy chemicals

(NaturalNews) One of the side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. The cancer doctors don't say much about it, but it's printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print, of course). If you go into a cancer treatment clinic with one type of cancer, and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy chemicals, you will often develop a second type of cancer as a result. Your oncologist will often claim to have successfully treated your first cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer.

There's nothing like cancer-causing chemotherapy to boost repeat business, huh?

During all this, the pharmacists are peddling these toxic chemotherapy chemicals to their customers as if they were medicine (which they aren't). While preparing these toxic chemical prescriptions, it turns out that pharmacists are exposing themselves to cancer-causing chemotherapy agents in the process. And because of that, pharmacists are giving themselves cancer... and they're dying from it.

Why pharmacists are dying of cancer

People who live in glass houses should never throw stones, they say. And you might similarly say that pharmacists who deal in poison shouldn't be surprised to one day discover they are killing themselves with it.

Chemotherapy drugs are extremely toxic to the human body, and they are readily absorbed through the skin. The very idea that they are even used in modern medicine is almost laughable if it weren't so downright disturbing and sad that hundreds of thousands of people are killed each year around the world by chemotherapy drugs.

Now you can add pharmacists to that statistic. For decades, they simply looked the other way, pretending they were playing a valuable role in our system of "modern" medicine, not admitting they were actually doling out chemicals that killed people. Now, the sobering truth has struck them hard: They are in the business of death, and it is killing them off, one by one.

The Seattle Times now reports the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of two decades who spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs. Sue died last September of pancreatic cancer, and one of her dying wishes was that the truth would be told about how her on-the-job exposure to chemotherapy chemicals contributed to her own cancer.

Andreas Moritz - The Mysterious Death of a Legend

On October 21st, 2012 at approximately 9am, medical intuitive, Andreas Moritz was reported to have died.  The shock wave went through the web with disbelief and great sadness.  How could this be? He was so young, 58 years old and worked right up to his death.

There were no cause of death reported, only a message on his website and on Face Book announcing he had died.   

~ Announcement ~ Posted on Website and Face Book - Sunday October 21, 2012

It is with a mixture of profound human sadness and deep spiritual gratitude that we announce to the world that Andreas Moritz has returned to the Realms of Light.

During his all-too-brief stay here on Earth, Andreas touched the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Through his teachings, his books, his art, his personal guidance and inspiration, he helped people throughout the

world to restore their health and well-being, and, in so doing, transform their lives.

As his mission here on Earth was nearing completion, he worked passionately to write and complete four more books, and they will be released in the coming months.

As we each deal with this shock and our personal grief surrounding his transition, the greatest gift we can give to Andreas is to send Love and Gratitude to assist him as he continues his Mission from the higher dimensions.

At some point in the future we plan to co-create a global celebration of his life and many blessings to the world.

~ The Ener-Chi Family

Andreas Moritz - Legend, Medical Intuitive, Writer, Husband and Merciful Teacher

He was born on January 27th 1954 and was married to Lillian Maresch (Lilly) who holds a PHD in Psychology.  He was a gentle man and had written many books in his lifetime.  He was most recognized for his book on liver flushing, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. 

He was originally from Germany but had traveled the world educating himself on healing.  His studies were extensive and many were done to learn how to heal his own illnesses. 
Moritz wrote his bio on Amazon, "From the age of six, Moritz experienced a number of severe illnesses such as juvenile arthritis, arrhythmia, anemia, abnormally low blood pressure, frequent fainting and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Although his main fields of interest were architecture, music and athletics, most of his time was spent in trying to understand the causes of his own illnesses. As an adolescent, Moritz began studying diet, nutrition and various approaches to natural healing and well-being."

Andreas Moritz Many Books Include:
  • Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation
  • The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
  • Cancer Is Not a Disease! — It’s A Survival Mechanism
  • Lifting the Veil of Duality
  • Feel Great, Lose Weight
  • It’s Time to Come Alive
  • Heart Disease No More!
  • Simple Steps to Total Health
  • Diabetes – No More!
  • Ending the AIDS Myth
  • Heal Yourself with Sunlight
  • Hear The Whispers, Live Your Dream
  • Vaccine-nation
I knew of him and had seen him on Curezone where I have several forums.  He had moved on before I arrived, but he was well respected and loved.  I wrote an article on The Only Liver Flush That Works and he contacted me.   He followed me on Twitter and very nicely wanted to tell me that his flush was good also.

He was kind, gentle and professional at all times.  So when I heard of the news of his death I was sad. I just could not understand why the secrets though.  Why not just tell people how he died and why he died so suddenly.  There were many rumors floating around about his health and from his last video on vaccines, it appeared Andreas Moritz was indeed sick as he stumbled through the video not totally in control.  

Just trying to find his home town was a huge struggle. Even Wikimedia had deleted his page. Now if Wikimedia disowns you, that is bad.  I finally got a lead through his Amazon page where he stated he met his wife in Minnesota and that they were now living in the Carolinas.  So my sleuth mentality now was at work.  I knew that something very secretive was going on.

I tried searching for him in North Carolina with no luck at all and then I searched in South Carolina and found a lead through Face Book.  They gave out his home town which is Landrum, South Carolina.

Aha! So I then went through every newspaper in Landrum and the entire county and not one obituary and not one death notice.  How could this be possible and why was his death such a big deal

On the Day of His Death - Sunday October 21st at 5am on Face Book he posted:
Exciting new research conducted at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska has revealed that supplementing with vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of cancer by an astonishing 77 %. This includes breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and other forms of cancer. This research provides strong new evidence that vitamin D is the single most effective medicine against cancer, far outpacing the benefits of any cancer drug known to modern science.
The study involved 1,179 healthy women from rural Nebraska. One group of women was given calcium (around 1500 mg daily) and vitamin D (1100 IU daily) while another group was given placebo. Over four year, the group receiving the calcium and vitamin D supplements showed a 60 % decrease in cancers. Considering just the last 3 years of the study reveals an impressive 77 % reduction in cancer due to supplementation.
This research on vitamin D is such good news that the American Cancer Society, of course, had to say something against it. An ACS spokesperson, Marji McCullough, strategic director of nutritional epidemiology for the American Cancer Society, flatly stated that nobody should take supplements to prevent cancer.
If it seems surprising to you that the American Cancer Society - which claims to be against cancer - would dissuade people from taking supplements that slash their cancer risk by 77 %, then you don’t know much about the ACS. The ACS is an organization that actually prevents prevention and openly supports the continuation of cancer as a way to boost its power and profits. The ACS is the wealthiest non-profit organization in America and has very close ties to pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other corporations that profit from cancer.
This was also the last post he made on his Twitter Page
So at 5am he was posting on Twitter and at 9:08am someone posted he had died.  Apparently he was not bedridden and apparently he was well enough to work.  But still why was no notice given of how he died?

Rumors Everywhere on Andreas Moritz Demise

Apparently he was a victim of big Pharma and some say he had death threats.  So rumors surfaced that he may have been murdered, committed suicide or maybe simply died of cancer and did not want to tell the world that his program did not work.

What was the reason for the secrecy and who really cares how he died? We do! People have the right to ask questions and they have a right to know.  First many people put their faith in him and people's lives are at stake here.  If his program does not work for everyone then simply make a statement that due to complications Andreas has died from cancer.

His true friends would stick by him and understand that there are flaws in most protocols.  Was the family afraid book sales would falter, lawsuits would follow or were they simply trying to find some alone time to handle the grief?   

What is a Medical Intuitive?
If Moritz was truly a medical intuitive or healer as he professed, then he was well aware of his sickness. Rumors followed that he was rushing to finish his last 4 books and time will tell if that has been accomplished.  He was an accomplished artist and his paintings alone showed his inner soul. His paintings on power and the hereafter reflected desire, strength and feelings.
A medical intuitive or healer would know when something is wrong with the body.  You are able to see above the body and look down and scan the entire body and know how then to treat the disease.  Healers are not perfect, but they definitely know if they have cancer or something major.
We each have decisions to make and you may only have one choice.  Apparently Moritz chose the wrong protocol and that in the end was his true destiny.

Why the Mystery of His Death?


Similar notices were on Face Book but within 24 hours the notice at Face Book was removed. There was one post from one of his books posted  a few hours ago and more and more questioned why no answers were given. So if he indeed had cancer, why not just say that? Someone took the time to post notices everywhere on social media, but not enough time to answer our one question -- how did he die?

Was this Andreas last wish that no one know his personal business or was the family deep in fear from pressures from the pharmaceutical industry?  I know these fears to be real.  I knew a man who had death threats against him and he was dead in 30 days.   

Even if he died of Aids, Cancer or Even MS, his followers would still love and follow him.  In the past when holistic healers died of normal diseases their legacies have been attacked,  In the weeks to come we can only hope that I have to edit this very long article with the real truth.  

We wish him much peace, his family comfort and the world an understanding that Andreas was who he was.  He was caring, intelligent beyond his time and he was someone who taught us all more about nutrition, cleansing and cancer than most have.   
Read: Death is Not What it Seems to Be 

Andreas Moritz Books on Amazon