
Plain and Simple -- Chemo is a Killer

I wish I knew what I do now back when my dad and sister were suffering with cancer.  Dad died some 20 years ago and my dear sister Patty died in 1997.  Both of them died from brain cancer and both suffered horribly. They are just a few of the many in my family who have died of cancer as it runs in our family.  Each one of them relied on doctors and each one of them died from chemotherapy.

I remember dad's faith in God was so strong and he would pray and pray for help.  He gave up drinking, started going to church and was a changed man.  As the years went by dad would get weaker and weaker. He was a vegetable.  He could not do anything he use to do and spent his life working puzzles in the living room.  He got to where he could not walk, could not eat anything without vomiting his guts out and he cried.

Dad was never an emotional person, but dad cried. We finally
asked the doctors why and it appeared that it was the side
effect of the chemotherapy they had him on.  Dad started with 4 bumps on his head and he wanted them removed fearing cancer.  His doctor was a butcher and because they could not deaden the area, dad gave them permission to cut him open with no anesthesia.  He later told us it was the worse nightmare of his life.

Cutting of those bumps led to cancer of the lymph nodes which led to lung cancer and eventually spread to the brain.  Daddy fought so hard, but in the end after so numerous operations and treatments, dad was declared cancer free. He just needed one more MRI.  The MRI would reveal that dad's cancer had come back with a fury and he had cancer on both of his lungs.  Had the cancer been on one lung we could have operated, but both lungs had spots.

So my step-mother calls and asked what she should do.  I told her bring him home and let him die in his home.  30 days to the date on May 10th daddy died.  He drowned in his bodily fluids.  We now know today that his death was needless and he could have been saved.

You have a choice.  You do not have to die needlessly, like dad and Patty did.  Read some very important article on the subject.

Chemo 'benefits' wildly over-hyped by oncologists; cancer patients actually believe they will be cured by poison

(NaturalNews) Mainstream medical researchers are finally starting to admit that toxic chemotherapy drugs do absolutely nothing to cure cancer, and often cause cancer patients to die much more quickly than they otherwise would apart from getting the so-called "treatment." Dr. Deborah Schrag from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and her colleagues let the cat out of the bag in a recent study they published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), which revealed that most cancer patients have no idea that their disease will never be cured as a result of chemotherapy.

According to the study's findings, as many as 69 percent of terminally ill lung cancer patients and 81 percent of terminally ill colorectal patients have no idea that chemotherapy drugs are fully incapable of curing their cancers. Though they are said to potentially help some cancer patients live slightly longer lives, chemotherapy drugs admittedly do not stop the growth or spread of cancer cells and tumors, which means many of the patients who opt for the treatment are not being told the full truth about its major shortcomings.

"There is a lot of harm in not having patients understand the finality of the disease," said Dr. Hossein Borghaei, an oncologist from the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, who was not involved in the research. "[Chemotherapy drugs] are very powerful, they have a lot of side effects, the chemotherapy is going to harm you more than it helps you, and it can actually shorten your life. All of this should be taken into account."

Dr. Borghaei's statements are chilling because they affirm what we have been saying here at Natural News for quite some time -- that chemotherapy is nothing but a sham "treatment" that puts cancer patients through needless pain and suffering while making the cancer industry rich. And perhaps the most disturbing part about this now-normalized form of medical quackery is that oncologists typically fail to disclose to their patients the fact that chemotherapy does not even cure cancer, which gives them false hope.

Chemotherapy causes more cancer, decreases patients' chances of survival

Another important tidbit of reality that is often left out of the discussions between oncologists and their patients is that patients who somehow survive their cancers following chemotherapy poisoning do so in spite of the treatment, and not because of it. Poisoning the body with chemicals via chemotherapy only ends up destroying the immune system and causing the bodily organs to shut down, which obviously shortens lifespan rather than lengthening it.

Relax it is Just Chemo!
(NaturalNews) Relax! It's just chemo... In an enlightening study in Molecular Cancer Research, researchers found that anyone who gets stressed out before chemotherapy (and who wouldn't...) can awaken the stress protein HSF-1, or heat shock factor-1. This one "side effect" of chemotherapy alone makes the treatment worse than the disease by allowing cancer cells to repair themselves in spite of the poisonous chemo. Even when used "correctly", toxic chemotherapy drugs can kill you, destroy your digestive tract, immune system, vascular system, and cause other cancers later on with the impaired immune system and genetic damage.
Most chemotherapeutic drugs are cytotoxic and work by impairing mitosis (cell division), and targeting fast-dividing cells for destruction. Chemotherapy is supposed to kill fast-growing cancer cells but it also targets the body's white blood cells that also grow quickly. 

This destruction also targets the rapidly growing healthy cells in your hair, digestive system, and bone marrow (where blood cells are produced). Unfortunately, in older tumors and in the center of solid tumors, cell division has already ceased, making them insensitive to chemotherapy even if the chemotherapeutic agent does somehow reach the core of the tumor.

Surviving chemotherapy is not about quality of life

Each year, more than 1 million cancer patients receive outpatient chemotherapy, radiation, or both. On the US National Library of Medicine website (PubMed), - is the news of a study estimating the overall contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year "survival" in adults in the US at a shameful 2.1%. Top this off with 201 side effects listed on the Chemocare website alone. The American Chinese Medicine Association says that "most cancer patients die of chemotherapy." How does this factor into the medical dictum "First Do No Harm"? It is actually misleading to promote chemotherapy for cancer treatment because it permanently damages the body and immune system and causes other cancers to spring up later.

Chemotherapy Backfires - causes healthy cells to feed growth of cancer tumors

(NaturalNews) Ever since chemotherapy was introduced into the practice of western medicine, doctors and oncologists have been trying to answer this nagging question: Why does chemotherapy seem to work at first, but then cancer tumors cells grow back even more aggressively while the body becomes resistant to chemotherapy?

It turns out that chemotherapy damages healthy cells, causing them to secrete a protein that accelerates the growth of cancer tumors. (

This protein, dubbed "WNT16B," is taken up by nearby cancer cells, causing them to "grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy," said Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. He's the co-author of the study that documented this phenomenon, published in Nature Medicine.

This protein, it turns out, explains why cancer tumors grow more aggressively following chemotherapy treatments. In essence, chemotherapy turns healthy cells into WNT16B factories which churn out this "activator" chemical that accelerates cancer tumor growth.

The findings of the study were confirmed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer tumors. This discovery that chemotherapy backfires by accelerating cancer tumor growth is being characterized as "completely unexpected" by scientists.

The chemotherapy fraud exposed

As NaturalNews has explained over the last decade, chemotherapy is medical fraud. Rather than boosting the immune response of patients, it harms the immune system, causing tumors to grow back. This latest researching further confirms what we've known for years in the holistic health community: That chemotherapy is, flatly stated, poison. It's not "treatment," it's not medicine, and it's not prevention or a cure. It's poison with virtually no medicinal value except in perhaps one to two percent of cancer cases.

Why chemotherapy doesn't work - Cancer tumors confirmed to have stem cells that regenerate tumors

 (NaturalNews) Three recent studies published in the journals Nature and Science shed new light on why chemotherapy, a common conventional treatment for cancer, is typically a complete failure at permanently eradicating cancer. Based on numerous assessments of how cancer cells multiply and spread, researchers from numerous countries have confirmed that cancer tumors generate their own stem cells, which in turn feed the re-growth of new tumors after earlier ones have been eliminated.

In one of the studies published in the journal Nature, researcher Luis Parada from the University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and his colleagues decided to investigate how new tumors are able to re-grow after previous ones have been wiped out with chemotherapy. To do this, Parada and his team identified and genetically labeled cancer cells in brain tumors of mice before proceeding to treat the tumors with conventional chemotherapy.

What they discovered was that, although chemotherapy appeared in many cases to successfully kill tumor cells and temporarily stop the growth and spread of cancer, the treatment ultimately failed to prevent new tumors from forming. And the culprit, it turns out, was cancer stem cells that persisted long after chemotherapy, which quietly prompted the re-growth of new tumors later down the road.

A second study published in Nature found similar results using skin tumors, while a third published in the journal Science confirmed both of the other studies in research involving intestinal polyps. It appears as though, all across the board, cancer tumors possess an inherent ability to produce their own stem cells, which can circulate throughout the body and develop into tumors. And traditional cancer treatments do nothing to address them.

Pharmacists give themselves cancer from dispensing toxic chemotherapy chemicals

(NaturalNews) One of the side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. The cancer doctors don't say much about it, but it's printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print, of course). If you go into a cancer treatment clinic with one type of cancer, and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy chemicals, you will often develop a second type of cancer as a result. Your oncologist will often claim to have successfully treated your first cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer.

There's nothing like cancer-causing chemotherapy to boost repeat business, huh?

During all this, the pharmacists are peddling these toxic chemotherapy chemicals to their customers as if they were medicine (which they aren't). While preparing these toxic chemical prescriptions, it turns out that pharmacists are exposing themselves to cancer-causing chemotherapy agents in the process. And because of that, pharmacists are giving themselves cancer... and they're dying from it.

Why pharmacists are dying of cancer

People who live in glass houses should never throw stones, they say. And you might similarly say that pharmacists who deal in poison shouldn't be surprised to one day discover they are killing themselves with it.

Chemotherapy drugs are extremely toxic to the human body, and they are readily absorbed through the skin. The very idea that they are even used in modern medicine is almost laughable if it weren't so downright disturbing and sad that hundreds of thousands of people are killed each year around the world by chemotherapy drugs.

Now you can add pharmacists to that statistic. For decades, they simply looked the other way, pretending they were playing a valuable role in our system of "modern" medicine, not admitting they were actually doling out chemicals that killed people. Now, the sobering truth has struck them hard: They are in the business of death, and it is killing them off, one by one.

The Seattle Times now reports the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of two decades who spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs. Sue died last September of pancreatic cancer, and one of her dying wishes was that the truth would be told about how her on-the-job exposure to chemotherapy chemicals contributed to her own cancer.