

Here are some of my favorite recipes that can be eaten easily on a cancer diet among guidelines and for vegetarians looking for delicious meal ideals.  Cancer diets should be vegetarian, vegan or raw, void of all red meat, fish and chicken.  Turkey would be the only allowable meat to have if you must.  Some cancer diets allow chicken, but I suggest that chicken should be avoided.

Spiced Pumpkin Pie Almonds - Healthy

Here is a very simple recipe for the holidays or anytime of the year.  The spice mix recipe is also listed below.  When making these spice nuts, use the best of ingredients and raw honey.  Raw honey has less sugar than processed honey and recently Natural News wrote on how a large majority of store bought honeys are not really honey at all.

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Raw Date Bars with Chamomile, Marigold (Calendula) and Honey

If  you are on a raw diet or simply someone who loves to eat healthy, these date bars will fill all your desires.  They are very simple to make as long as you have Calendula and chamomile flowers in your pantry.

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Easy Veggie Burgers with Red Tomato Salsa Topping

This is a great vegetarian recipe and one that is so simple to make. Some veggie burgers contain fillers, but this one is very healthy and you can use or substitute the suggested vegetables.  This is not a vegan recipe because it contains eggs and cheese.

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Healthy Brown Rice With Vegetables

Here is another very delicious way to enjoy brown rice.  The brown rice is baked and then added to a pan of green beans, potatoes, carrots and tomatoes.  This one pot meal is very easy to do and is both healthy and delicious.  The rice is baked prior to make sure it is done and soft and then added to the pan of cooked vegetables that are cooked with spices and chicken broth.  If you are a vegetarian, you can substitute vegetarian stock for the chicken stock.

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Eggplant French Toast

A simple and low carb breakfast for those looking for an alternative to using bread in their diets.  

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Delicious Green Drink for Longevity and Excellent Health

Lou Corona ( created this drink and I edited it for better flavor in my opinion.  He looks like he is 37, but actually he is almost 60.  He has the vigor and vitality of a teenage and the charisma of a movie star.  You will soon learn to enjoy his wisdom as I did.

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Heart Healthy Recipe: Delicious Fat Free Barley Soup

Barley soup is famous for being a soup fed to those who are sick.  Even Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, instructed his followers to eat barley soup when sick.  In fact it is also recorded that barley and Swiss chard soup is the best medicine for anyone.  You may have seen many barley soups on the web and in cookbooks, but this soup is not like any you have seen.  It is so delicious that you will wonder why I did not think of this before.

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Heart Healthy Recipe: Scrumptious Brown Rice and Spinach

This is another one of my heart healthy recipes dedicated to my mom.  It has been ever evident that there is a huge need for delicious heart healthy recipes.  When diagnosed with heart disease or heart failure it is imperative to cut the fat, cut the sugar and and cut the dairy. So can anyone live happily on a diet void of some of the most desired foods? Yes, they can.  This recipes is so delicious you will want to make it again and again.  It is very simple to make too.

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How to Make 5 Minute Homemade Whole Wheat Bread

There is no excuse in the world to eat unhealthy white bread.  You can eat healthy whole wheat bread and you can make it in 5 minutes.  This does not include the time it takes to rise the bread or cook the pitas.  My bread making has become very simplified. The same bread can be used for pizza dough and what we commonly call in Jordan

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Healthy Green Smoothie with Spinach, Avocado and Banana

This is day two of my raw food fast and part of the instructions is that I need to have some plant fat, olive leaf and fruit juice.  So I thought to myself, why not make a green smoothie and include all of the above.  This smoothie has no sugar or dairy of any kind.  It is very healthy and it tastes great.

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Yummy Avocado and Labane Salad

This is one of my favorite salads, but because of the fat in the labane and avocado, suggest you limit it to once a week or so.  It is very simple to make if you do the preparation ahead of time.  You will need to take a quart of raw yogurt preferably and drain the whey off the yogurt.  To do this you simply put a cotton cloth or some sort of linen cloth over a strainer.  Pour the yogurt directly on top of the cloth and wrap. Place the strainer on top of a bowl to catch the whey. Place the yogurt in the refrigerator and allow it to drip over night. You will get a very thick cheese.  You will not use all of this labane, but it is very delicious to eat with your breakfast or on some toast for a snack.

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Spaghetti Dinner with Winter Vegetables

I made this tonight, well I created it tonight and it was wonderful.  I was looking in my refrigerator for something to cook and I remembered my neighbor, Um Laith.  She use to make spaghetti with many vegetables and it was good.  This is a version of what she did.

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Magical Leek Soup Broth and Mimosa - Recasting Your Stomachs

Mireille Guiliano, author of "French Women Don't Get Fat" shows how to recast (reduce) the stomach by eating these easy and simple soup recipes on the weekend.

Dr. Miracle was a psychologist, who understood that most women have a hard time recasting their stomachs or giving up what they love to eat. He developed this plan for those who have a hard time jump starting their way back to a healthy lifestyle.

He gave this recipe to Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don't Get Fat, which she still uses today. This soup has been used for generations to help local women diet. This trick is used with leeks, a mild diuretic, but very nutritional and very low in calories.

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Dr. Weil's Anti-Cancer Puttanesca Pasta with Tuna

Inflammatory foods are processed foods, sugars, milk and nightshade vegetables in many cases. Other foods to avoid are the whites (white bread, white rice and white flour). An anti-inflammatory diet is almost the same as a mucusless diet. You should limit the fat and enjoy fresh vegetables and fruits. Rid yourself of inflammation and you will be preventing many diseases. 

Who is Dr. Weil? 

Dr. Andrew Weil is graduated from Harvard University where he studied to be a doctor and also received his undergraduate AB degree in biology. He is the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine where he combines his knowledge in natural medicine with his knowledge as a Doctor. 

He is the author of ten books and is best known for his website where he talks about a variety of subjects. He is a legend in his own time. He is mainly famous for the anti-inflammatory diet though. His anti-inflammation diet was a pioneer to the many diets now available.

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A Wonderful Arugula Pizza

Here is another great pizza recipe that I just love.  It is fairly simple to make, once you have your dough prepared.  I have included a very simple pizza dough recipe too at the bottom of the article.


1/2 cup of fresh tomato salsa (3 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 2 green onions, handful of fresh basil, salt and pepper, blended very well in blender)
1/2 cup cut mini-tomatoes
8 ounces of cooked chicken breast, shreadded
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
1/4 cup parmesan cheese

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