
How Does Diet Effect Cancer Risks?

Your diet consists for many types of foods and many types of combinations.  New studies are being done to investigate exactly how diet, environment and sedentary lifestyles are affecting the risk factors concerning cancer. 

As the world becomes more of a processed nation, studies are being done to find natural protocols to cure cancer.  More and more scientist believe that lifestyle affects your chances of survival and the likelihood of you being diagnosed with cancer.

With Cancer statistics rising, diet has played an important factor in chances of coming down with this deadly disease. Things attributed to high risk are sugary drinks, such as colas, sugar, white flour, red meat, processed meats and lack of exercise.  Processed meat and pork may cause cancer risk to rise as much as 64 percent.

Other factors that caused cancer were being overweight, tobacco and alcohol. Stress was also a big risk factor for cancer.  Foods that protected people from getting cancer were having more organic fruits and vegetables, nuts, healthy fats and fibre. Surprisingly, the EPIC, European Study on Cancer Nutrition, showed that fruits and vegetables did not have any risk effect on breast cancer chances.

LSU Health Shreveport

LSU Health Shreveport is studying natural products, particularly those found in the diet, to prevent cancer progression. Their main interest is to identify the factors that drive breast cancer progression, develop a panel of bio markers, and target those factors with selected agents or dietary supplements.They are also studying Nigella sativa and lung cancer.

Nigella Sativa Cures Cancers not Cancer

A large government study was done on rats testing the results of this simple seed.  Multiple cancers were tested and with each cancer Nigella sativa was shown with remarkable results. The study was done comparing chemotherapy to the use of Nigella sativa.  

The cancers tested were breast, colon, fore stomach and lung.  The end results showed that Nigella sativa did just as well as chemotherapy with none of the side effects that are normally associated with chemotherapy.  Side effect of chemotherapy are extensive and include:
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Pain
  • Hair Loss
  • Anemia
  • Infection
  • Blood Clotting Problems
  • Mouth, Gum and Throat Problems
  • Diarrhea and Constipation
  • Nerve and Muscle Effects
  • Effects on Skin and Nails
  • Radiation Recall
  • Kidney and Bladder Effects
  • Flu-Like Symptoms
  • Fluid Retention
  • Effects on Sexual Organs and Sexuality

According to Medicine, "Most people have no serious long-term problems from chemotherapy. However, on some occasions, chemotherapy can cause permanent changes or damage to the heart, lungs, nerves, kidneys, reproductive or other organs. And certain types of chemotherapy may have delayed effects, such as a second cancer, that show up many years later. Ask your doctor about the chances of any serious, long-term effects that can result from the treatment you are receiving (but remember to balance your concerns with the immediate threat of your cancer)."

The EPIC Project Report on Diet, Causes and Effects of the Environment

The EPIC Project, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, studied more than 521,000 people to see if diet had any affect in overall cancer chances or likelihood of happening.  They studied major cancers such as colon, breast, stomach and prostate.  The results were astounding and nothing like you may have expected.

There were ten European countries involved: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.  This was a huge project and cancer patients will be studied for years to come. The project began in 1993 and ran until 1999.   Of the 521,000 who participated in the project, 16,000 people died.

Key findings were that fruit and vegetables had nothing to do with breast cancer risk, but obesity and hormone therapy did.  Fiber and diet had a definite affect on colon and stomach cancers.  The reports were extensive stating exactly when and how the patients were affected. With breast cancer it is import to look at the pre-menopausal and post-menopausal effects.

What is the Perfect Diet and Lifestyle Plan?

This has to be the $50,000 question. If you ask one person about the perfect diet, they will tell you vegan and raw.  If you ask another one they will tell you to go on the Budwig Diet Plan.  Diet comes down to a few basic facts: no meat, no sugar, no white anything.  Eat lot of organic vegetables, juice daily with carrots and beets and limit fruit.  

Fruit contains sugar and should be limited. Remember that sugar feeds cancer.  Oils need to be avoided or limited greatly except Nigella sativa (black cumin) oil or flax oil if you are on the Budwig Diet.  Absolutely no fried foods at all should be eaten and avoid all processed foods and foods packaged.

Your diet must reflect what state of cancer you have.  Late stage cancers necessitate a stricter diet.  Stage IV Cancer Cures vary and the one you choose will dictate your diet.   Sedentary lifestyles are a killer and exercise is imperative.  I highly recommend some products.  The need for a mini-trampoline, a water distiller, a juicer  and a Vita Mix Blender.  This equipment will help you to be fit and in perfect health.


Does diet cause cancer? In my opinion it definitely does. Although many may argue that genes, hereditary, hormone therapy and stress are the main factors, I would disagree.  I believe that you are what you eat and although the other part of the equation is important, diet, diet and diet are the things we can prevent cancer with.  The American Cancer Society produced a report showing that cancer was preventable and the two tops items listed were smoking and alcohol, but they also listed diet.

"All cancers caused by cigarette smoking and heavy use of alcohol could be prevented completely. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2012 about 173,200 cancer deaths will be caused by tobacco use. Scientific evidence suggests that about one-third of the 577,190 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2012 will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition and thus could also be prevented. 

Certain cancers are related to infectious agents, such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), human papillomavirus (HPV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), and others, and could be prevented through behavioral changes, vaccines, or antibiotics.

In addition, many of the more than 2 million skin cancers that are diagnosed annually could be prevented by protecting skin from intense sun exposure and avoiding indoor tanning."

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