
What is Cervical Cancer - Know the Signs

Cervical cancer can be cured when found in the early stages. It is usually discovered when a woman goes in for a Pap smear. In the UK, in 2008, there were 957 deaths from cervical cancer. This means that 2.4 women out of 100,000 women died from the disease. The highest amounts of deaths were women who were older. Worldwide cervical cancer amounts to 9% of cancer deaths.

What is Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer does not appear overnight. First, there will be an increased number of cells on the cervix and these will start the pre-cancerous stage. When you get a Pap smear report back as "suspicious," these normal cells may be multiplying faster than should be done, and a red flag goes up.

These pre-cancerous cells then become abnormal, if not stopped. The alert that you receive from early detection may save your life. With the highest number of deaths reported in the seventies, women all over the UK should realise that continual yearly check-ups are imperative.

If cervical cancer is suspected, a cervical biopsy will be performed. After cancer is positively diagnosed, treatment can begin. Treatment may include: hysterectomy, radiation, chemotherapy or alternative treatments.

Cancer Awareness

Cervical cancer deaths are considerably lower in the UK compared to other nearby countries and, maybe, as much as 75% less. The best prevention is early detection. Cervical screening must be done yearly, not when you notice severe symptoms.

There is not enough cancer awareness in the UK and more people should know about the signs of cancer through proper cancer information available. Bowel cancer month was in April and breast cancer awareness was in October, but true cancer awareness must be practised all year round.

For more information on cervical cancer visit:

Cervical Cancer Statistics

Cervical cancer is curable if caught in the early stages, but many women do not do their yearly Pap smears as suggested. In the UK, cancer deaths amount to 27% of all deaths reported. Heart disease is number one. In 2008, there were 957 deaths from cervical cancer and the highest numbers of deaths reported are with women in their seventies.

According to the CDC, women under 35 only account for only 7% of the deaths reported. If you look at worldwide figures on cervical cancer, you would see that more than 273,000 women died from cervical cancer, which is approximately 9% of the deaths reported by women.

If you look at the highest rate of mortality in cancers reported, cervical cancer is not even listed. Cancer Research UK reported that lung cancer was the number one most common cause of cancer and then comes colon, breast, prostate and pancreas.