
The Cost of Cancer - Part III - The Bill Henderson Protocol

Here is Part III of my "Cost of Cancer" series. Today we will be talking about the Bill Henderson Protocol. 

''If you look at his picture, you will think what a truly nice guy he is.  He has a very simple website: Beating Cancer Gently and he has a program to consider for sure.  

Does he have the best protocol in my opinion? No, but it is certainly better than others I have reviewed.  Another point to consider -- for less than $200 Bill will coach you on the importance and know-how of this program.  He will not diagnose your condition or give medical advice, but he will show you how to implement the Budwig Program he suggests.  

The Bill Henderson Protocol for Cancer

Bill Henderson has been evaluated, critiqued and analyze for years now and so his statistics are in for you to evaluate.  When choosing a cancer protocol, you don't want some writer to feed you a bunch of ideals, you want proof this protocol will work.  Like Nigella sativa which I promote and recommend, the educational and government studies are conclusive.  A study was done in 2011 on the Henderson protocol and there were 640 people who were studied.  Of those 630 people here is what was shown:
  • Age group was 55 to 64
  • Cured of Cancer: 73
  • Improvement in health: 170
  • Negative attribution or worsen health: 10
  • Death: 2
So this means that 12 percent were cured of cancer and 27 percent saw increased health.  Are these statistic viable and would this be the perfect program for you?  Others swear by this program and tell of their life being given back.  You decide if it is the best protocol. 

Roxanna wrote to me with disgust for this protocol stating it had not helped her at all and had made her conditional worse.  She also was dismayed with the fact that there is no way to contact Bill Henderson.  The only way you can contact him if you PAY him to correspond with you.  He charges nearly $200 for this right.

According to Bill he has helped more than 8000 people reverse their cancers and I found a number of people who testified to this fact.  Every protocol will have naysayers and every protocol with have people who love the program.  When you are choosing a protocol, educate yourself thoroughly and it is my honest opinion that the only way to do the Bill Henderson protocol is with his coaching program.  There appears to be too many questions that need to be answered.

Henderson Protocol Differs from Budwig

Bill Henderson's protocol is not the same as the Dr. Johanna Budwig Protocol or the Tony Isaacs Budwig Program.  Even the Budwig Center has changed the protocol from its original form.  

According to an article by Nutrients, "Components of an Anticancer Diet: Dietary Recommendations, Restrictions and Supplements of the Bill Henderson Protocol,"

 In Cancer Free, Bill Henderson recommends principal components of the Budwig Diet but adds a variety of other substances that would not have received Budwig’s endorsement. 

True to prescriptive diets that emphasize ritual [42], Henderson suggests precise amounts of the cottage cheese/flax seed combination (2/3 cup of 1% or 2% organic cottage cheese (no preservatives), 6 tablespoons flaxseed oil) to be eaten immediately to avoid oxidation [1] (p. 103). Stevia (a natural sweetener), almonds, strawberries or blueberries are suggested additions to improve palatability and provide antioxidants [1]

(pp. 102–103). Contrary to Budwig’s recommendations, Henderson advocates the strict avoidance of alcohol and meat and encourages the use of artificial antioxidants [1] (pp. 57–59, 121) [13] (p. 50, pp. 117–118) [20] (p. 34). Lipid Metabolism: A Modern Perspective

Does these differences make the program better or worse? For some the program is enhanced.  Let's look at the differences and decide.

What does the Program Consist of?

His protocol as far as diet are the same as the traditional Budwig Plan: Read Part II - The Budwig Cancer Diet. His diet protocol calls for the same requirements, such as eating whatever God has provided and staying away from processed foods, flours, animal products and especially fish.  

He emphasizes the need to improve your immune system, increase the oxygenation of the cells, detoxify your body and change an acidic body to an alkaline body. All the same pre-requisites of most cancer plans.  He ask you to take some supplements and green grass which is not on the Budwig plan.  Budwig was opposed to any supplements that were not from Mother Nature.  Here is what he suggests:

He also suggested you eat beans every day for your protein and to help to reduce the tumors and these supplements are extra which he said to consider: Paw Paw, Onconat I, Artemisinin, Crystal Calcium, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, PC Essentials, Red Raspberry tablets

All these nutrients are good, but have these processed nutrients changed the Budwig protocol enough to cause some not to succeed?  
You can read his shorter version of his best selling book in ebook format called "How to Cure Cancer on $5.15 a Day." He is referring to his basic protocol of supplements, not the extra ones listed above.  

Cancer Tutor Review

According to, " The Bill Henderson protocol is the least expensive of the highly potent protocols. This protocol can be used on any cancer patient with any type of cancer. 

This treatment is a true "Stage IV" alternative cancer treatment, meaning it is able to give advanced cancer patients significant hope for survival. It is also one of the most inexpensive treatments available at about $200 a month. 

For those who buy Bill Henderson's book and work with Bill over the telephone, his protocol has some very sophisticated characteristics that make it one of the most potent cancer treatments available. It is also one of the most "gentle" treatments. 

With most alternative cancer treatments the "cancer diet" (meaning the things a cancer patient can eat and should not eat) is designed to avoid "feeding" the cancer cells. Not with this protocol. With this protocol the "cancer diet" is critical and is an active part of the treatment.


The study done with the more than 700 participants and Bill's figures do not match.  Although I do think he has a good program, I feel he has cut back too much on costs and required supplements to have the best program and definitely not a stage IV cancer treatment.

As Bill recommends that altering the diet even 10% could make drastic outcomes of this diet program.  So in other words, don't change what he has offered and combine other protocols.

This is a very inexpensive program with possibilities. For advanced cancers, you may want to consider other programs.

Stay tuned for Part IV of my series which will be based on the Max Gerson Juicing for Cancer Protocol.