
Stage IV Cancers Healed Naturally without Chemotherapy

As a prior cancer victim, I can tell you that there are many types of cancers and some cancers, like the stage IV cancers have been ignored for years. 

 It is easy to put in your mind that these signs will just go away or some type of virus in the air, but as the toxins increase and the body becomes ravaged with tumors, the cancers spread.

You cannot die from a cancer tumor, you can die from chemotherapy and when the tumors spread to other organs.

Original cancers are not near as bad as secondary cancers.  Sometime cancer cells will hide when the person is treating cancer and retreat to another part of the body and return to the original site of the cancer, once treatment has been finished, such as in tumor reseeding.

Once the tiny tumor cell implants itself again and has a chance to spread, the secondary cancer is much worse and more difficult to cure.  Let's remember Tammy Faye Baker.  Her breast cancer was cured and then she came down with lung cancer which killed her eventually.

This is why it is imperative to keep up the cancer protection for years and why when we are looking at actually surviving cancer, we look at five year rates, not just cured of the disease immediately.  Both chemotherapy and the drug given to breast cancer survivors and others called tamoxifen may cause secondary cancers.

These secondary cancers usually spread quickly and thus we have stage III and stage IV cancers.  Stage IV is considered the final stage of cancer, such as what Michael Douglas had with his esauphagus cancer, but really stage V cancers are the last stage.

In this article we will delve into the strongest cancer therapies around.  Some I will endorse because of what worked for me and some will be mentioned from statistics and educational knowledge provided.  In the end you will have to choose what suits your pocketbook and  your lifestyle. 

Stage IV cancers are the most expensive because you must act quickly and directly and this is your last chance to survive.  You cannot use delayed emotions and stuff this problem in a drawer like you would a bankruptcy notice.  You must act now.

Step One - Improving the Immune System

Understand the cycle of cancer.  First cancersous cells literally steal glucose from non-cancerous cells and by doing this cause fatigue and causes what is called the "lactic acid cycle" in your body.  So when treating any cancer you must work hard to get rid of cancerous cells and build up the other non-cancerous cells.

Most cancer patients are weak and have lack of appetite.  This lack of appetite causes them to not want to eat properly, much less the boring juices and foods necessary to sustain the body.  Once the patient goes one or two days without eating properly in stage III or IV, the cancersous cells have a chance to cause more damage, spread faster and destroy what good cells are left.

Chemotherapy does the same thing.  Chemo destroys what good cells are left, including the cancersous cells and after the chemo treatment is done, the body is so weak and may not recover as predicted.  Warning labels on chemotherapy predict secondary cancers, but yet cancer patients are so frightened and convinced that chemo is their only salvation, that they will forgo danger signals and go for the single most powerful thing that will kill you.  

Suzanne Somers stated that Patrick Swayze did not die of pancreatic cancer, he died from chemo.  No truer statement can I repeat today.

Read: What is Cancer?

So how can you Build up your Immune System and Live Better? 

First line of defense is Nigella Sativa. Nigella sativa is not a stage IV treatment that will work alone, but it is a very strong way to improve your immune system with more than 100 nutrients and vitamins.  Nigella sativa, also known as black cumin and black seed has been proven to cure pancreatic cancers 82% of the time, highly successful in colon, breast and prostate cancers also.  So when dealing with any cancer, use Nigella sativa three times a day along with garlic.  Fresh garlic is best.

Do not believe those articles on Natural News or other health places that tell you that you can improve your immune system with simple herbs and garlic.  These are not strong enough for stage IV cancers.  You need something to attack your system strong and keep it working in perfect condition. 

Supplemental Program for Stage IV Cancers

A good supplemental program by a well known cancer expert that is very complete.  It is not cheap, but it will heal your cancer, heart disease and most major illnesses.

1.  N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
2.  Iodine - Isaacs says it is a must.
3.  Inositol/IP6
4.  A Good Calcium and Magnesium Supplement
5.  Curcumin
6.  BloodTonic
7.  Cayenne Pepper tincture s
8.  Black cumin oil -
9.  RM-10, a proprietary blend of 10 mushrooms by Garden of Life
10.  Vitamin B-17
11.  Colloidal Silver - Another Must in His Opinion:
12.  Fucoidan, which is found in brown seaweed    
13.  Chaparral
14.  Bromelain
15.  Myrhh - 10 ml
16.  Pancreatic Enzymes/Digestive Enzymes
17.  Grapeseed Extract
18.  CoQ10
19.  Essiac tea
20.  Pau d'arco
21.  Andrographis , nettle leaf - bladderwrack  and black walnut hull

And more, he states: "Make sure you have plenty of iodine, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, calcium and Vitamin D."  So iodine, magnesium, calcium with vitamin D3 is in my list above. So he wants you also to have vitamin C , selenium  and potassium  

The supplements and oils come to $615.88 and that could be needed monthly.    Now some of the supplements will last longer than one month. What is not included here is the budwig protocol items such as flax seed oil and seed.  I recommend the Budwig protocol on any stage of cancer.

Many Recommendations for Bill Henderson's Protocol

Bill Henderson is well known for his reasonable priced protocol using an abbreviated Budwig protocol with a few supplements, which Henderson states will cost $5.15 per day.  There have been countless testimonies using his cancer protocol, like Margaret Bremel who beat her ovarian cancer.  Margaret is vastly against chemotherapy.  She wrote a book called The Cancer Odyssey: Discovering Truth and Inspiration on the Way to Wellness

Bill Henderson recommends:
If you have stage IV cancer - A must is his helping hand. For less than $200, Henderson will explain his program in detain.  Sign up Here

The Budwig Center Protocol

Another stage IV alternative is the Budwig program.  Not just a regular program but the actual in house program or at the very least their home study program with supplements.  Stage IV cancers are in the final stage and it is imperative you seek the best.  One week at the Budwig center cost $6000 and the recommended 3 week protocol cost $18,000.  The at home programs start at $1200.   To contact the Budwig Center. Website

Programs Recommended by Cancer

A website recommended for alternative therapies has their own recommendations also:  They recommend some of the ones I do above and also:

Kelley Eidom Stage IV Cancer Cure

I think one of the biggest quack diets on this planet is the Kelley Eidom Stage IV diet.  I pray that people never depend on this diet solely for the cure of their relative.  This diet alone is and can be part of a cancer diet protocol which I use all the time, but can never be used alone.  I remember when I first met Kelley.  He seemed like a nice gent, but I soon dissolved all ties with him.

Read: Can You Cure Cancer with a Butter Sandwich in Two Weeks? Fact, Fiction or Quackery.


The end of this very long article has arrived and I am sure you are confused and wondering which protocol is the best.  This subject needs prayer and lots of prayer and guidance from the one who knows best.  I suggest you consult your family and explain to them that you are going to choose a natural protocol and ask for suggestions. Look at your pocketbook and then decide. All these programs are very good.  I pray that your journey is easy and peaceful and I pray that you will pass on the news to others that there is life after cancer. 


All Parts of my Series: The Cost of Cancer