
Learn about Lung Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis

Lung cancer is a cancer that starts with a tumor in the lungs and in 90% of cases, it is found to have been caused by tobacco. The symptoms of lung cancer may be minimal or none at all. Up to 25% of people with lung cancer will have no symptoms at all and the remaining will have symptoms having to do with chest pain and shortness of breath.

Diagnosing lung cancer

Lung cancer is a growth in the lungs, commonly called a tumor. These growths or tumors may cause obstruction in the lungs and clog up the lungs to the point where they can no longer function properly. Cancers may not be discovered early due to the fact of the size of the lungs and tumors may grow for years undetected.
Facts about lung cancer

Today's modern medicine has been able to treat and cure stage I and stage II cancers, but if the cancer has grown or spread to other organs, treatment becomes more difficult. Cancer of one lung may be treated with removal of the lung. Cancer in both lungs may be extremely difficult to cure, but not impossible.

Many times, the only way to discover lung cancer in the early stages is when an X-ray or C-scan is done and an abnormality is detected. Lung symptoms and cancer signs are not always apparent as the typical sign of lung cancer which is a persistent cough could be seen as the same sign for bronchitis.

Lung cancer signs

Lung cancer patients generally have minimal signs in the beginning. Up to 25% of people may have no signs at all - those who do have signs may mimic bronchitis or the flu. Typical signs of lung cancer are:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent cough
  • Coughing up blood
Lung cancer statistics

More men will get cancer than women, but the incidence of women getting lung cancer is growing. More women have lung cancer than with breast cancer. A person who smokes has 25 times more likelihood of contracting lung cancer than someone who does not. A person who smokes cigars or uses a pipe is five times more likely to get lung cancer than those who do not.

Treatment for lung cancer

Lung cancer, like many other cancers can be treated with alternative methods.  The first line of defense is with the use of Nigella sativa oil three times a day.  Other natural methods which have been found successful is with the Budwig Flaxoil, raw diet, vitamin C and the Grape Cure.  

Conventional treatment of lung cancer may include chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. One lung can be removed, but not both and early detection will determine which treatment must be used. Please be aware that there is a 2 percent 5 year survival rate with chemotherapy though and chemo may cause secondary cancers. Read: Relax, it is only Chemo.

You have a better chance of survival if the cancer is caught in the early stages with a natural diet and exercise program, such as with the use of a mini - trampoline to flow lymph and fight disease 